Mountains of the Sub-Polar Urals
Some rivers of the basins of the Kara and Barents Seas Rivers originate in the mountain ridges of the Sub-Polar Urals. The hydrographic net of the Sub-Polar Urals includes basins of the Malaya Ob’ and Northern Sos’va Rivers; Lyapin, Khulga, Malaya Sos’va, Tapsui, Visim, Vogulka, Kempazh with numerous branches are major rivers. It is thought that Lyapin (or Khulga) is the major river of the eastern slope of the Sub-Polar Urals.
Lyapin (or Khulga) is the largest left tributary of Northern Sosva, originated at the confluence of rivers of Khaima-Yu and Grube-Yu.
Much of right tributaries of the Lyapin River (Balban-Yu (eastern), Khalmer-Yu, Naroda, Man’ya, Schekur’ya, etc.) originate on the main dividing ridge, cutting high-altitude, medium-altitude, and rolling-plain zones on the way down. In the high-altitude zone most of rivers flow along meandering trough valleys bordered by steep slopes, hilly areas sometimes and chains of mountain lakes (Naroda, Khobe-Yu, etc. ).
The major rivers of the western slope of the Sub-Polar Urals (tributaries of the Pechora River) are Schugor (tributaries of Volokovka, Torgovaya, Big Patok, and Small Patok) Kos-Yu (tributaries of Kozhim and Vangyr), and Big Synya.
Rivers of the Sub-Poar Urals are ice-covered for most of the year. Lower reaches of rivers of the Lyapin River basin open usually up in mid-May; rivers of the Pechora River--in the end of May. Spring ice-drift lasts during nearly two weeks. The most intensive ice-dift is typical of rivers (Schugor, Kos-Yu, and Kozhim) of the western slope of the Sub-Polar Urals, where the water level could rise up to 10-14 meters.
In the mid-October ice flow drift begins on most of northern rivers of the Urals. It lasts for about 2-3 weeks. Freeze-up on rivers normally occurs in Late October-Early November.
Detailed description of mountainous rivers of Northern, Sub-Polar, and Polar Urals, which we visit during our expeditions:
Youtyn’ya (Eltyn’ya, Noutyn’ya)
Grube-yu (Grubeyu)
Mokraya Synya
Pozhema-yu (Pozhemayu)
Sukhaya Synya
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